Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bakuc 2007

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BAKUC (Bandai Action Kits Universal Cup) is the premier Gunpla model kit competition outside of Japan. It started back in 2003 as BAKAC (Bandai Action Kits Asia Cup) Which runs a series of regional competitions in various asian countries and those who have qualified, would participate in Hongkong for the grand finals. Throughout the years, the reprensenting winners have steadily gone down. In 2003, the top 5 winners get to represent their said country and go to hongkong. In 2004 and 2005, only the top 3 would represent their respective countries and only the champion will go to hongkong. By 2006, The name of the tournament was changed To BAKUC because of the inclusion of 2 other european countries, and only the champion would represent his said country (this was due to issues of mishandling when entries are shipped to HK) . By 2007, the US is making its debut via an online competition.

Though the US Site does would be the basis to choose their representative, It also runs other contests for the members outside of the north american region. I'm entered in those categories.

To vote, please Click the banner above this post, after which, scroll down and click at the model entries, and click on the stars (1-10) on the criterias and submit.

As for the Philippine tournament, Deadline for entries is at Oct 27,2007. For more
information visit the bankee site or here

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