Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where Fairytale Endings Happen


April 18 2007 - The Celtics got into one of the lowest points of their history as the disastrous season finally ends with a 2 point defeat over the pistons. Red Auerbach's Death, the 18 game losing streak, Paul Pierce missing 40 games of action and capped of with a 5th pick in the draft. It was so bad that there was a time the celtics only had 7 players on their roster with half of the team being injured. It went as low as the fans cheering for the team to lose so that they would have a higher chance at the lottery.

I've always been told that the Darkest part of the night is just an hour before sunrise. I never thought this would really be a reality until now.

on the 17th day of June 2008, That sunrise finally happened. The Celtics finally capped off the miraculous season with the 17th title on the fold. The whole season was just sort of magical and no one from a year before even thought about this turning into a reality. After a Promising Regular season, 4 playoffs series worth of struggles , Legendary matchups and miraculous comebacks, The C's Massacred the Purple and gold by 39 points and capped of the title. The second biggest blowout in the finals since the bulls . A very emotional night for beantown. As the C's got the title, touching moments start to rekindle, from Pierce throwing gatorade at Doc, Bill Russel and KG hugging after him kissing the center court of the fabled parquet floor. The Victory is as sweet as ever. The Captain, Paul Pierce whom endured 9 years of failure in boston and stuck through thick and thin won the finals MVP award.

As KG said after winning it all, "Anything's Possible!" This just shows that with hardwork, perseverance and dedication, with a mix of luck, brains and ubuntu, Happy endings can happen.


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