Saturday, August 25, 2007


It’s Kobe’s Bday today (well technically yesterday because its already past 12 midnight). And he’s coming back in the country on my bday .

Yes guys, you heard it right, nike is bringing back an nba superstar to the country. And unlike Vince Carter and Paul Pierce, They wont place them to visit some school while the rest of the public would just have to watch the news or read the papers a day after. Kobe will be in megamall (I thought it would be at moa). While it would be sort of ironic for a celts fan to talk about our anti hero, but what the heck.

Kobe and AI both came nearly a decade ago. It was August of 1998. Before they were fighting over the 2001 finals, the media here already created a sort of rivalry of who had the better tour. It’s Adidas versus Reebok. Quite ironic that they’re both under the same ownership now. The 2 came a year later after shaq’s and grant hill’s promotional tours. Iverson came first, the media was prevented from asking questions such as Kobe Bryant coming 4 days later and shaq being cut as a reebok endorser. But he did came to megamall with Jerry Cordinera and waived at the fans. No games or exhibitions though, and went to cuneta astrodome to shake hands with Tim Cone and Lanont Strothers in game 4 of the 1998 commisioners. Kobe on the Other hand arrived and greeted by the then bb pilipinas candidates. Went to megamall to play a pick up 3 on 3 game with Bong Ravena and Bal David against Alvin Teng, Rommel Adducul and Vic Pablo. After which, he went to Araneta not just to wave to the crowd, but to have a slam dunk exhibition at the halftime of the game 6 of the finals. One of the dunks was the same Vinsanity did 4 years later. The next few days, he came into play with the participants of the streetball challenge finals, met with then President Estrada, went to nayong Pilipino and played against some kids in an orphanage before going back to the US. It is evident that kobe won this one.

Say all you can say about kobe, all the troubles, scandals and negative news. But one thing is clear, the impression he made when he came here was tremendous, It’s a rarity to even see one staying for 4 days, entertaining the crowd and doing a favor to the less fortunate as well.

Now that he’s a full pledged superstar, would he still do the same things?

Lets find out.

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